History Of Vitilogo(Switra)

In the Athraveda the switra word is mentioned for the first time .In the rigveda (600 B.C)switra/vitilogo is described as kilaasaI.In 200 B.C the Indian manuscript described it as sweta kustha.kilasan word is also mentioned in Atharaveda for switra

In the Athraveda the switra word is mentioned for the Vitilogo/Leucoderma/Safed dag .In the rigveda (600 B.C)switra/vitilogo is described as kilaasaI.In 200 B.C the Indian manuscript described it as sweta kustha.kilasan word is also mentioned in Atharaveda for switra

Types of Vitilogo

According to Charak Switra is of three Type




All of them are generally caused by simultaneous vitiation of three dosas(i.e Vata,pitta & kapha)

If dosha is located in Raktadhatu (blood tissue),then it will be reddish in colour,when dosha is located in mamsadhatu(muscle tissue),it will be coppery colour,if dosha is located in medasdhathu(fat tissue),then switra will be white in colour.

As per susrut samhita,Hastang Hridaya & Madhav nidan Switra/Vitilogo is of three types,these are Vata pradhan,Pitta pradhan and kapha pradhan

Clinical features of vatapradhan switra ara rough & reddish white in colour.Pitta pradhan switra is tamra or coppery white in colour affected skin is soft like lotus leaf,burning sensation is there& loss of hair over the affected area.Kaphapradhan switra ia white in colour,dense,thick & there is itching sensation over the affected skin


In the Ayurveda text It is mentioned that vitilogo will be Asadhya or incurable in the following condition

1.If patches of switra are melted together

2.If small hair on patches are reddish in colour

3.White colour due to burn

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